Statistics spanning 23 hrs, 59 min 57 sec, up to Thu 2 Jul 22:59:57 local time (GMT+1):
- 72 different stations
- 68.0% non-local stations (more than 100 km from here)
(max distance: 347.6 km; nearest: 32.2 km) - 4986 total APRS packets (one every 17.3 seconds):
74.6% reporting location
0.0% reporting weather data - packet identification summary:
63.1% location
11.6% object
7.6% telemetry-message
7.2% telemetry
6.3% status
3.2% capabilities
0.6% dx
0.0% message
last seen | station | position | APRS packets | notes |
2020-07-02 22:59:57 | ON0AIM | 51º13'36.0"N, 2º55'22.8"E | 205 (every 419.7 sec) | DMR 439.4125 -7.6 |
2020-07-02 22:59:48 | ON4AVM | 51º1'32.8"N, 4º29'1.3"E (100+ km from here) | 258 (every 334.8 sec) | CPU load: 0.10/0.13/0.13 @ 2020-07-02 21:45 CET |
2020-07-02 22:59:15 | PI1ETL | 51º34'32.4"N, 4º38'42.6"E (100+ km from here) | 417 (every 206.8 sec) | VHF - UHF Digi & Gateway Etten-Leur / JO21HN U.6V,T0.3C |
2020-07-02 22:58:34 | ON0TVO | 51º2'41.3"N, 3º42'6.0"E | 410 (every 209.8 sec) | DIGI Gent |
2020-07-02 22:58:28 | ON0ANT | 51º13'1.8"N, 4º25'10.2"E (100+ km from here) | 317 (every 271.6 sec) | WX3in1Plus2.0 U.2V,T=??.?C/??.?F |
2020-07-02 22:58:26 | ON0ABT | 51º12'29.4"N, 3º13'29.3"E | 254 (every 338.8 sec) | 145.650MHz t079 Echolink 357361 |
2020-07-02 22:57:59 | ON8DOE | 51º6'55.7"N, 4º0'15.5"E | 32 | DX: ON0CVH-1 50.43.00N 4.23.14E 51,9km 149? 22:27 |
2020-07-02 22:56:41 | ON0SAM | 50º29'3.0"N, 4º13'52.7"E (100+ km from here) | 252 (every 341.2 sec) | WX3in1Plus2.0 U.7V,T=??.?C/??.?F |
2020-07-02 22:55:58 | PI1SHB | 51º42'1.1"N, 5º20'46.7"E (200+ km from here) | 76 | 2m Digi/IGate 's-Hertogenbosch |
2020-07-02 22:55:55 | ON7LDS | 50º59'23.3"N, 4º53'53.9"E (100+ km from here) | 257 (every 332.6 sec) | 123 packets in 15 minutes (= 8/min) |
2020-07-02 22:53:58 | ON6YF | 50º5'38.4"N, 4º53'34.7"E (200+ km from here) | 194 (every 442.0 sec) | 73's from Didier ON6YF near Beauraing JO20KC |
2020-07-02 22:53:43 | ON7DE | 51º0'46.7"N, 4º18'17.3"E | 347 (every 245.4 sec) | oper. Eddy QTH Londerzeel JO20DX |
2020-07-02 22:52:53 | ON0MSD | 50º53'28.2"N, 3º3'28.7"E | 26 | W1-1 Digi Moorslede |
2020-07-02 22:52:50 | ON4TIM | 50º58'50.9"N, 4º33'36.6"E (100+ km from here) | 15 | `Mobiel_% |
2020-07-02 22:52:19 | DL1ER | 51º16'52.7"N, 6º22'0.0"E (200+ km from here) | 2 | > |
2020-07-02 22:51:59 | ON7KB | 51º20'2.4"N, 4º23'33.0"E (100+ km from here) | 158 (every 543.5 sec) | QRV at home |
2020-07-02 22:51:40 | F5SSM | 50º37'6.9"N, 3º4'54.0"E | 37 | 73 eric TT4 DIGI |
2020-07-02 22:48:51 | F6KTN | 50º12'9.0"N, 3º48'52.8"E (100+ km from here) | 7 | Digi du RCA Berlaimont |
2020-07-02 22:48:26 | F4DEB | 50º43'46.8"N, 3º9'18.6"E | 65 | Digipeater de Tourcoing (SysOp F4DEB) R?gion Lilloise / 144.800MHz |
2020-07-02 22:42:07 | PI1GPS | 51º21'31.2"N, 5º13'13.8"E (100+ km from here) | 50 | I-Gate/DIGI PI4KAR Bladel |
2020-07-02 22:40:48 | F5KAZ | 50º24'11.9"N, 3º27'37.8"E (100+ km from here) | 70 | 145.725MHz T082 -060 F5ZAG |
2020-07-02 22:38:00 | ON6ZB | 51º2'52.8"N, 3º43'11.3"E | 67 | `FT2DE portable test_( |
2020-07-02 22:32:12 | ON6SX | 50º54'24.0"N, 4º37'31.7"E (100+ km from here) | 67 | WX3in1Plus2.0 U.4V,T$.0C/75.2F |
2020-07-02 22:32:05 | ON6ZQ | 50º42'20.6"N, 4º23'31.6"E (100+ km from here) | 57 | - Christophe |
2020-07-02 22:31:30 | ON0LRG | 50º23'32.9"N, 5º19'37.1"E (200+ km from here) | 81 | WX3in1Plus2.0 U.6V,T".0C |
2020-07-02 22:26:34 | PA4GJ | 51º28'46.8"N, 5º39'48.6"E (200+ km from here) | 21 | `To all: Stay save, 73's de PA4GJ_% |
2020-07-02 21:34:06 | ON3URE | 50º57'43.8"N, 4º14'49.1"E | 90 (every 864.3 sec) | PicoAPRS by DB1NTO |
2020-07-02 20:03:45 | ON4MAX | 50º18'8.3"N, 5º40'16.2"E (200+ km from here) | 81 (every 935.1 sec) | Qrv DMR2062 &Dstar DCS011i |
2020-07-02 19:56:09 | ON4VDV | 50º59'31.1"N, 4º33'22.7"E (100+ km from here) | 8 (every 104.2 sec) | QRV 433.600MHz= |
2020-07-02 19:56:03 | PD2WR | 52º4'54.0"N, 5º24'51.0"E (200+ km from here) | 94 (every 719.9 sec) | iGate | 144.800 MHz | Woudenberg | JO22QB |
2020-07-02 19:12:31 | ON8SV | 50º29'4.1"N, 4º13'52.2"E (100+ km from here) | 8 | `_) |
2020-07-02 18:43:00 | PD0WAG | 51º57'39.5"N, 5º38'51.6"E (200+ km from here) | 5 | = |
2020-07-02 18:32:58 | ON7RD | 51º5'28.2"N, 3º3'33.5"E | 3 | TinyTrak3 v1.00 |
2020-07-02 18:18:13 | ON4NS | 51º8'49.8"N, 3º11'35.4"E | 5 | noel QRV in Loppem |
2020-07-02 18:06:53 | ON6OM | 50º42'47.4"N, 5º4'36.5"E (100+ km from here) | 34 (every 182.4 sec) | ` INFO : www.on6om.be_% |
2020-07-02 18:03:12 | ON7EQ | 51º7'16.2"N, 4º29'12.5"E (100+ km from here) | 169 (every 144.7 sec) | = |
2020-07-02 17:58:31 | ON0ADT | 51º12'29.4"N, 3º13'29.3"E | 1 | 145.650MHz ?279 EcholYnk 357361 |
2020-07-02 17:31:47 | PA7FRN | 51º36'34.1"N, 4º49'27.5"E (100+ km from here) | 16 | 145.650MHz DMR 2043 |
2020-07-02 17:00:06 | ON7TG | 51º7'58.8"N, 3º8'52.8"E | 1 | = |
2020-07-02 16:49:33 | ON3DB | 51º19'3.0"N, 5º5'39.5"E (100+ km from here) | 8 | ON3DB /M JAN |
2020-07-02 16:42:51 | ON7AVC | 50º49'16.7"N, 4º16'52.7"E (100+ km from here) | 9 (every 81.0 sec) | `_% |
2020-07-02 16:35:42 | ON5QQ | 50º54'14.4"N, 4º43'18.5"E (100+ km from here) | 11 | `QRV 438.850 ON0RCL_% |
2020-07-02 15:59:06 | ON1GPS | 51º9'18.6"N, 4º9'10.1"E | 1 | `_% |
2020-07-02 15:26:10 | ON8AD | 50º54'19.8"N, 4º19'51.6"E (100+ km from here) | 33 | `CTCSS 136.5 Voice Alert_) |
2020-07-02 14:49:09 | ON4AGP | 50º53'12.0"N, 4º29'18.6"E (100+ km from here) | 57 (every 254.4 sec) | |
2020-07-02 14:26:39 | PA1FZH | 51º50'12.5"N, 5º44'10.2"E (200+ km from here) | 102 (every 73.5 sec) | Defender 90 |
2020-07-02 14:23:19 | ON7JA | 51º2'45.5"N, 3º1'22.1"E | 1 | >Port/Mob-Station-7 Jan Home QTH Torhout = |
2020-07-02 13:54:27 | PB0P | 51º22'32.4"N, 5º13'13.8"E (100+ km from here) | 1 | `_0 |
2020-07-02 13:41:39 | VI1ETL | 51º34'32.4"N, 4º38'42.6"E (100+ km from here) | 1 | PI1ETL U.6V,T0.0C/Digi & IGate LO21HN / Etten - Leur |
2020-07-02 12:23:53 | ON2RD | 51º13'8.4"N, 2º54'22.7"E | 25 (every 97.6 sec) | ON2RD/M,Ron?x,Rep.Oostende |
2020-07-02 12:13:21 | PE1FTV | 51º22'26.4"N, 5º19'36.5"E (200+ km from here) | 1 | 430.100MHz Ad= |
2020-07-02 12:12:48 | PD9PB | 51º22'18.0"N, 5º13'9.0"E (100+ km from here) | 2 | `peter@pd9pb.nl_0 |
2020-07-02 12:09:30 | PA3HFJ | 51º27'59.4"N, 3º45'15.5"E | 14 (every 45.5 sec) | {AT0B3}aprstracker-0.11-16f636 |
2020-07-02 09:51:25 | ON3PMO | 51º10'49.1"N, 4º8'14.3"E | 1 | |
2020-07-02 09:32:24 | ON7DQ | 51º12'38.9"N, 2º54'19.7"E | 4 | QRV on local repeater |
2020-07-02 09:07:26 | ON6FU | 51º12'13.7"N, 2º54'14.3"E | 2 | Roland/Oostende |
2020-07-02 08:51:38 | PD1GWF | 51º37'52.7"N, 4º34'32.9"E (100+ km from here) | 2 | |
2020-07-02 07:59:15 | F6GRJ | 49º14'31.8"N, 3º57'53.9"E (200+ km from here) | 1 | TM-D710E= |
2020-07-02 07:32:03 | PD5CL | 51º46'50.9"N, 4º40'43.2"E (100+ km from here) | 6 (every 286.8 sec) | 431.275MHz QTH Dordrecht JO21is= |
2020-07-02 06:26:39 | ON2GCB | 50º44'14.3"N, 3º40'4.8"E | 151 (every 175.0 sec) | KDvs |
2020-07-02 06:06:33 | ON5SP | 51º5'48.0"N, 3º42'35.3"E | 225 (every 113.3 sec) | ON5SP ON THE MOVE |
2020-07-02 05:38:09 | F5ZCE | 49º37'48.0"N, 4º37'6.5"E (200+ km from here) | 7 | = |
2020-07-02 05:35:56 | ON0LN | 51º4'59.4"N, 5º34'36.0"E (200+ km from here) | 2 | Xastir Linux-Igate Gruitrode |
2020-07-02 05:21:42 | ON2KGC | 50º35'34.1"N, 5º53'48.0"E (200+ km from here) | 7 | - WX3in1Plus2.0 U.9 -=- APRS IS -=- Digipeater -=- |
2020-07-02 05:17:20 | F8KCS | 49º34'37.8"N, 3º25'31.1"E (100+ km from here) | 1 | *** Digi ADRASEC de St Gobain *** |
2020-07-02 05:16:16 | ON7KEI | 50º58'18.5"N, 5º7'39.0"E (100+ km from here) | 7 (every 165.5 sec) | 73's ON7KEI/M= |
2020-07-02 03:59:34 | F5KCS | 49º51'11.4"N, 2º16'23.9"E (200+ km from here) | 32 (every 375.4 sec) | DIGI-NED 0.4.0: ADRASEC 80 DURY |
2020-07-02 03:56:56 | F8KHU | 50º17'34.1"N, 4º4'48.0"E (100+ km from here) | 4 | ARDUINO-METEO radio_club MARPENT |
2020-07-02 03:18:06 | ON0CVH | 50º43'0.0"N, 4º23'8.4"E (100+ km from here) | 4 | VHF Igate Gateway, QTH Waterloo |
2020-07-02 03:15:13 | ON0FRA | 50º14'57.5"N, 5º44'12.5"E (200+ km from here) | 1 | 73 de ON4MAX-U.8V-T=??.?C |
2020-07-02 01:02:10 | G3OJZ | 51º6'4.2"N, 1º12'54.6"E (200+ km from here) | 4 | Digi for 20 years serving SE Kent H24. |
2020-07-01 23:50:01 | LX0APR | 49º42'39.5"N, 6º9'55.7"E (200+ km from here) | 2 | APRS Digi Blaschette/Lux R.L. |
System uptime: 21 days, 12 hours, 59 minutes