Statistics spanning 23 hrs, 59 min 56 sec, up to Fri 31 Jul 22:59:58 local time (GMT+1):
- 215 different stations
- 83.2% non-local stations (more than 100 km from here)
(max distance: 915.3 km; nearest: 28.1 km) - 13187 total APRS packets (one every 6.5 seconds):
74.8% reporting location
0.0% reporting weather data - packet identification summary:
65.2% location
9.7% object
8.3% status
5.1% telemetry
4.9% telemetry-message
3.3% capabilities
3.1% dx
0.0% message
last seen | station | position | APRS packets | notes |
2020-07-31 22:59:58 | ON8CF | 51º16'6.6"N, 4º41'32.9"E (100+ km from here) | 429 (every 70.1 sec) | = |
2020-07-31 22:59:11 | ON7DE | 51º0'46.7"N, 4º18'17.3"E | 630 (every 136.1 sec) | oper. Eddy QTH Londerzeel JO20DX |
2020-07-31 22:58:27 | F5SSM | 50º36'56.9"N, 3º0'45.0"E | 197 (every 427.6 sec) | 73 eric |
2020-07-31 22:58:22 | F4GCF | 43º38'16.1"N, 0º31'59.9"E (750+ km from here!) | 1 | DIGI APRS 32 |
2020-07-31 22:58:09 | ON0ANT | 51º13'1.8"N, 4º25'10.2"E (100+ km from here) | 575 (every 149.7 sec) | WX3in1Plus2.0 U.2V,T=??.?C/??.?F |
2020-07-31 22:58:06 | ON0ABT | 51º6'54.0"N, 3º18'53.3"E | 758 (every 113.6 sec) | W2 DIGI_NED: 144.800 <-> 432.500 CROSSDIGI |
2020-07-31 22:57:40 | F5KOK | 46º48'56.9"N, 0º32'7.1"E (500+ km from here!) | 1 | WX3in1Plus2.0 U.3V,T'.6C/81.6F |
2020-07-31 22:57:33 | MB7UE | 59 | Testing... | |
2020-07-31 22:57:25 | F1CNB | 49º31'31.1"N, 0º15'47.4"E (350+ km from here) | 2 | F1CNB ADRASEC76 |
2020-07-31 22:57:16 | ON0TVO | 51º2'41.3"N, 3º42'6.0"E | 689 (every 124.8 sec) | DIGI Gent |
2020-07-31 22:56:59 | ON7KB | 51º20'1.7"N, 4º23'19.7"E (100+ km from here) | 396 (every 216.6 sec) | QRV at home |
2020-07-31 22:56:50 | ON0LRG | 50º23'32.9"N, 5º19'37.1"E (200+ km from here) | 563 (every 153.0 sec) | WX3in1Plus2.0 U.1V,T'.4C |
2020-07-31 22:56:40 | PI1ETL | 51º34'32.4"N, 4º38'42.6"E (100+ km from here) | 777 (every 110.4 sec) | PI1ETL U.5V,T'.1C/Digi & IGate JO21HN / Etten - Leur |
2020-07-31 22:56:29 | M5LMY | 51º21'23.3"N, 0º46'58.1"W (350+ km from here) | 11 | / |
2020-07-31 22:55:42 | ON2GCB | 50º44'14.3"N, 3º40'4.8"E | 99 (every 103.1 sec) | KDvs |
2020-07-31 22:55:34 | ON0AIM | 51º13'36.0"N, 2º55'22.8"E | 305 (every 282.2 sec) | FM 145.7125 -Echolink |
2020-07-31 22:55:19 | G3OJZ | 51º6'4.2"N, 1º12'54.6"E (200+ km from here) | 480 (every 178.9 sec) | DAVIS VP2 & WDISPLAY |
2020-07-31 22:54:57 | F8KOP | 46º16'49.8"N, 0º46'46.1"E (500+ km from here!) | 1 | (ADRIERS - 86) |
2020-07-31 22:54:47 | F5ZPO | 48º24'11.4"N, 0º49'24.6"W (500+ km from here!) | 1 | DIGI APRS N/O DEPT 53 |
2020-07-31 22:53:44 | MB7UA | 51º48'11.9"N, 1º9'46.1"E (200+ km from here) | 65 | Emails to |
2020-07-31 22:53:30 | PI1SHB | 51º42'1.1"N, 5º20'46.7"E (200+ km from here) | 542 (every 157.9 sec) | Cross-Band Digi/IGate 's-Hertogenbosch |
2020-07-31 22:53:23 | F8KGJ | 48º58'11.3"N, 0º37'0.5"W (500+ km from here!) | 20 | TinyTrak4 Alpha |
2020-07-31 22:52:46 | ON0UBA | 50º50'16.8"N, 4º20'13.8"E (100+ km from here) | 185 (every 463.7 sec) | ****** |
2020-07-31 22:52:45 | ON6YF | 50º5'38.4"N, 4º53'34.7"E (200+ km from here) | 554 (every 154.8 sec) | 73's from Didier ON6YF near Beauraing JO20KC |
2020-07-31 22:52:32 | ON0CVH | 50º43'0.0"N, 4º23'8.4"E (100+ km from here) | 144 (every 595.1 sec) | VHF Igate Gateway, QTH Waterloo |
2020-07-31 22:51:46 | PD1EDS | 51º25'51.5"N, 5º22'59.4"E (200+ km from here) | 77 | `_) |
2020-07-31 22:51:07 | DB0RHB | 50º34'37.8"N, 6º56'48.0"E (350+ km from here) | 19 | APRS-DIGI Todenfeld/Rheinbach 400m NN |
2020-07-31 22:51:00 | M0IER | 51º7'22.1"N, 1º17'58.8"E (200+ km from here) | 114 (every 752.4 sec) | WWW.DARC.ONLINE SEE WEB FOR MORE DETAILS = |
2020-07-31 22:50:22 | ON4AVM | 51º1'32.8"N, 4º29'1.3"E (100+ km from here) | 466 (every 183.5 sec) | CPU load: 0.26/0.15/0.13 @ 2020-07-31 21:30 CET |
2020-07-31 22:49:53 | MB7USB | 51º8'25.1"N, 0º54'19.1"E (200+ km from here) | 42 | WX3in1Plus2.0 U.7Colins APRS Station |
2020-07-31 22:49:18 | 2E1GW | 51º40'46.1"N, 0º11'13.8"W (350+ km from here) | 2 | `_% |
2020-07-31 22:48:36 | ON6SX | 50º54'24.0"N, 4º37'31.7"E (100+ km from here) | 113 (every 748.7 sec) | WX3in1Plus2.0 U.4V,T).7C/85.4F |
2020-07-31 22:48:32 | MB7UC | 52º0'35.3"N, 0º0'6.9"W (350+ km from here) | 34 | Cambridgeshire Repeater Group digi at Barkway, ex-MB7UPI |
2020-07-31 22:47:35 | MB7UF | 51º4'33.6"N, 1º9'55.1"E (200+ km from here) | 219 (every 388.7 sec) | Folkestone APRS Digi |
2020-07-31 22:47:29 | F5TND | 46º27'45.6"N, 0º58'41.9"W (500+ km from here!) | 1 | APRS85 |
2020-07-31 22:47:15 | ON4MAX | 50º17'32.3"N, 5º40'32.4"E (200+ km from here) | 17 | Qrv DMR2062 & Dstar DCS011i |
2020-07-31 22:46:42 | PE0FK | 51º20'30.0"N, 5º53'34.7"E (200+ km from here) | 33 | iGate Meijel powered by Xastir-Linux |
2020-07-31 22:45:21 | G4PAG | 52º3'27.6"N, 1º13'21.6"E (200+ km from here) | 8 | (APRS DIGI Suffolk Data Group) 3 |
2020-07-31 22:45:17 | F5KCS | 49º51'11.4"N, 2º16'23.9"E (200+ km from here) | 115 (every 722.4 sec) | DIGI-NED 0.4.0: ADRASEC 80 DURY |
2020-07-31 22:43:57 | ON0MSD | 50º53'28.2"N, 3º3'28.7"E | 110 (every 766.3 sec) | W1-1 Digi Moorslede |
2020-07-31 22:42:32 | ON4AGP | 50º51'35.3"N, 4º33'40.2"E (100+ km from here) | 74 (every 626.5 sec) | |
2020-07-31 22:41:02 | ON7LDS | 50º59'23.3"N, 4º53'53.9"E (100+ km from here) | 422 (every 200.5 sec) | 198 packets in 15 minutes (= 13/min) |
2020-07-31 22:31:25 | ON6ZQ | 50º42'20.6"N, 4º23'31.6"E (100+ km from here) | 100 (every 835.5 sec) | - Christophe |
2020-07-31 22:31:03 | DB0XIX | 51º34'54.0"N, 6º14'37.2"E (200+ km from here) | 39 | Campertrack 145,2375 Mhz Sysop: DL1EEI |
2020-07-31 22:16:06 | ON0NR | 50º24'30.5"N, 4º50'55.7"E (100+ km from here) | 19 | POLARIS NAM IGate |
2020-07-31 22:08:29 | PI1GPS | 51º21'31.2"N, 5º13'13.8"E (100+ km from here) | 72 | I-Gate/DIGI PI4KAR Bladel |
2020-07-31 21:58:38 | ON3URE | 50º57'39.5"N, 4º14'17.9"E | 120 (every 624.4 sec) | PicoAPRS by DB1NTO |
2020-07-31 21:57:53 | PE1RNL | 51º43'32.9"N, 3º43'22.7"E | 1 | Kees |
2020-07-31 21:55:32 | PD2BVG | 51º34'7.2"N, 3º42'0.0"E | 2 | >^ |
2020-07-31 21:51:21 | PD1JH | 52º8'32.3"N, 5º1'7.2"E (100+ km from here) | 16 | `145.462MHz_1 |
2020-07-31 21:46:44 | ON7TG | 51º7'3.6"N, 3º9'36.0"E | 25 (every 91.0 sec) | ON7TG/M Tom= |
2020-07-31 21:45:09 | PE1PKB | 52º15'36.6"N, 5º36'42.0"E (200+ km from here) | 36 | Igate |
2020-07-31 21:28:14 | F6KTN | 50º12'9.0"N, 3º48'52.8"E (100+ km from here) | 23 | Digi du RCA Berlaimont |
2020-07-31 20:59:57 | ON3JT | 51º10'20.9"N, 4º28'4.1"E (100+ km from here) | 117 (every 14.3 sec) | |
2020-07-31 20:49:24 | PD9BG | 51º38'16.7"N, 5º21'27.6"E (200+ km from here) | 28 (every 109.9 sec) | 145.287MHz QRV - Beau on tour= |
2020-07-31 20:38:19 | MB7UP | 50º51'15.5"N, 1º4'4.8"W (500+ km from here!) | 50 | SE HantsRaynet Portsdown Hill Use WIDEn-n for traceable paths |
2020-07-31 20:33:47 | ON4NS | 51º8'52.1"N, 3º11'31.8"E | 35 | `_( |
2020-07-31 20:21:40 | F1ZOG | 3 | DIREWOLF 1.4 / Orangepi zero / WIDEn-N (2 rebonds max) FRn-N HDFn-N PDCn-N (7 rebonds max) / VHF Omni / JO10av | |
2020-07-31 20:21:03 | 2E0SGG | 51º26'53.9"N, 0º33'38.4"E (200+ km from here) | 1 | = |
2020-07-31 20:13:24 | F4IMP | 49º19'4.1"N, 0º21'0.6"W (350+ km from here) | 1 | 'ADRASEC 14|3 |
2020-07-31 19:57:24 | ON2IC | 51º3'39.5"N, 3º6'25.8"E | 9 (every 435.7 sec) | TinyTrak3plus |
2020-07-31 19:39:19 | ON7NW | 51º14'15.6"N, 5º11'10.7"E (100+ km from here) | 3 | ON7NW/M |
2020-07-31 19:17:10 | ON8SV | 50º29'7.1"N, 4º13'40.1"E (100+ km from here) | 12 | `_) |
2020-07-31 19:15:48 | PA3HFJ | 51º27'59.4"N, 3º45'16.2"E | 100 (every 372.3 sec) | Land Rover Defender PA3HFJ & PA2KM |
2020-07-31 18:55:10 | ON4AUP | 51º9'2.9"N, 3º10'28.2"E | 24 | `145.650MHz t079 -060 Wiliam QRV Fusion & Analog_% |
2020-07-31 18:20:12 | PD1GWF | 51º35'19.2"N, 4º32'8.4"E (100+ km from here) | 2 | |
2020-07-31 18:16:16 | ON0MBT | 51º6'54.0"N, 3º18'53.3"E | 1 | W2 DIGI_NED: 144.800 <-> 4?3.500 ?SOSSDIGy |
2020-07-31 18:11:48 | ON7QR | 50º50'17.9"N, 3º18'28.7"E | 46 (every 730.2 sec) | >ON7QR/P TH-D72= |
2020-07-31 18:06:38 | ON4DTP | 1 | ||
2020-07-31 18:04:17 | ON7RD | 51º3'17.9"N, 3º4'54.0"E | 6 (every 224.3 sec) | |
2020-07-31 17:44:45 | PD2NM | 51º20'33.0"N, 5º14'50.9"E (100+ km from here) | 37 (every 556.3 sec) | >= |
2020-07-31 16:19:24 | ON7AVC | 50º53'36.6"N, 4º18'52.8"E (100+ km from here) | 40 (every 457.3 sec) | `_% |
2020-07-31 13:02:57 | PD0SBH | 51º21'19.1"N, 5º25'52.2"E (200+ km from here) | 1 | |
2020-07-31 12:42:20 | ON7DS | 51º7'30.0"N, 4º28'29.9"E (100+ km from here) | 96 (every 500.8 sec) | = |
2020-07-31 11:50:08 | ON5AB | 51º40'11.3"N, 4º5'13.1"E | 76 (every 110.5 sec) | SY= |
2020-07-31 11:48:41 | G0AVP | 50º48'42.5"N, 1º10'5.9"W (500+ km from here!) | 2 | Paul at home. |
2020-07-31 11:39:11 | 2E0DBY | 51º55'47.9"N, 1º13'59.9"E (200+ km from here) | 31 (every 851.3 sec) | `MOBILE_# |
2020-07-31 11:35:46 | MB7VB | 51º22'51.6"N, 1º23'30.5"E (200+ km from here) | 49 (every 826.7 sec) | All Hilderstone Radio Society meetings are cancelled until further notice : |
2020-07-31 11:30:14 | MB7UM | 52º12'55.4"N, 0º2'13.3"E (350+ km from here) | 121 (every 371.9 sec) | Cambridgeshire Repeater Group digi, Madingley |
2020-07-31 11:18:45 | PD1PYF | 51º28'40.1"N, 4º40'18.0"E (100+ km from here) | 34 | `_" |
2020-07-31 11:08:39 | G4MRS | 52º3'22.7"N, 1º16'48.6"E (200+ km from here) | 26 | UIDIGI1.9B3: Martlesham RS - 2 |
2020-07-31 10:59:51 | F4EWZ | 50º10'34.7"N, 1º42'27.0"E (200+ km from here) | 39 (every 116.3 sec) | 73 Seb JN19PT E61T |
2020-07-31 10:57:00 | ON4TIM | 50º58'48.6"N, 4º33'32.4"E (100+ km from here) | 26 | `_% |
2020-07-31 10:54:17 | MB7VC | 52º29'45.2"N, 0º20'47.1"W (350+ km from here) | 66 (every 627.2 sec) | Cambridgeshire Repeater Group digi, Washingley |
2020-07-31 10:50:18 | ON0RCA | 50º0'15.5"N, 5º43'1.8"E (200+ km from here) | 3 | UIDIGI 1.9 B3 W3 New-N Paradigm |
2020-07-31 10:49:35 | ON2KGC | 50º35'34.1"N, 5º53'48.0"E (200+ km from here) | 129 (every 300.0 sec) | - WX3in1Plus2.0 U.8 -=- APRS IS -=- Digipeater -=- |
2020-07-31 10:47:56 | MB7UG | 51º11'20.4"N, 0º58'11.3"W (350+ km from here) | 30 | RAYNET Alton, Hampshire. ( |
2020-07-31 10:46:53 | DH4KAS | 50º48'22.2"N, 7º8'25.1"E (350+ km from here) | 11 | |
2020-07-31 10:44:09 | F4FHM | 50º11'14.3"N, 3º50'6.6"E (100+ km from here) | 46 (every 859.2 sec) | F4FHM/P 4.11V X |
2020-07-31 10:43:57 | ON0FRA | 50º14'57.5"N, 5º44'12.5"E (200+ km from here) | 17 | 73 de ON4MAX-U.8V-T=??.?C |
2020-07-31 10:42:43 | ON4WCJ | 50º4'13.2"N, 4º23'53.9"E (100+ km from here) | 78 (every 511.8 sec) | POLARIS EMCOMs Couvin 216m asl 1-hop TX |
2020-07-31 10:41:03 | F1ZKY | 50º59'50.3"N, 2º21'56.4"E (100+ km from here) | 45 (every 857.5 sec) | A3RN - Digipeater Region Dunkerquoise / 144.800MHz |
2020-07-31 10:36:06 | M0XDC | 51º40'19.1"N, 0º18'22.2"E (350+ km from here) | 7 | |
2020-07-31 10:33:01 | MB7UH | 51º54'31.7"N, 0º53'55.7"E (200+ km from here) | 91 (every 455.3 sec) | Emails to |
2020-07-31 10:32:15 | PD0WAG | 51º57'39.5"N, 5º38'50.9"E (200+ km from here) | 48 (every 805.0 sec) | = |
2020-07-31 10:29:10 | PE1RLN | 50º52'45.0"N, 5º58'17.3"E (200+ km from here) | 5 (every 920.0 sec) | They see me rollin' |
2020-07-31 10:26:53 | F8KHU | 50º17'34.1"N, 4º4'48.0"E (100+ km from here) | 15 | ARDUINO-METEO radio_club MARPENT |
2020-07-31 10:26:25 | F1CLB | 49º50'48.0"N, 3º17'26.9"E (100+ km from here) | 11 (every 421.4 sec) | 73 Francis F1CLB JN |
2020-07-31 10:22:51 | DF8WO | 50º0'47.4"N, 6º26'3.5"E (350+ km from here) | 2 | >= |
2020-07-31 10:14:04 | G4FKI | 51º39'31.7"N, 0º4'1.8"E (350+ km from here) | 2 | `_) |
2020-07-31 10:13:52 | ON3LRC | 51º1'28.8"N, 3º6'40.7"E | 27 (every 160.4 sec) | `_ |
2020-07-31 10:13:46 | DB0SDA | 50º46'34.2"N, 6º4'10.1"E (200+ km from here) | 50 (every 719.6 sec) | Aachen |
2020-07-31 10:10:30 | PE2AAB | 51º22'54.0"N, 6º1'33.5"E (200+ km from here) | 2 | PE2AAB,QRV:430,100MHz.71,9Hz |
2020-07-31 10:08:10 | PC2KY | 50º38'10.7"N, 5º44'38.3"E (200+ km from here) | 5 (every 156.4 sec) | `_% |
2020-07-31 10:04:38 | F1JMR | 49º25'50.9"N, 2º57'9.0"E (200+ km from here) | 7 (every 387.5 sec) | >73!de.Michel= |
2020-07-31 09:57:01 | G7TAJ | 50º50'19.7"N, 0º27'16.1"E (200+ km from here) | 4 | 144.950MHzGB7BEX BBS, Node, DXCluster & HF Gateway |
2020-07-31 09:56:41 | DB0NY | 51º3'50.4"N, 7º36'37.8"E (350+ km from here) | 3 | APRS DIGI Gummersbach 550m NN |
2020-07-31 09:55:50 | ON4PN | 51º0'36.6"N, 3º47'21.0"E | 2 | `Gebruik de amateurbanden zoniet verliezen we ze ! _% |
2020-07-31 09:55:02 | DB0OTV | 85 (every 403.9 sec) | D-Star + C4FM QRG = 439,500 MHz -7,6 MHz | |
2020-07-31 09:51:13 | ON5SP | 50º57'26.3"N, 4º55'49.1"E (100+ km from here) | 42 (every 82.3 sec) | ON5SP ON THE MOVE |
2020-07-31 09:50:56 | G6ZNW | 51º4'56.3"N, 1º10'38.3"E (200+ km from here) | 4 | `_% |
2020-07-31 09:50:47 | MB7UUE | 51º29'48.0"N, 0º42'5.4"W (350+ km from here) | 164 (every 238.0 sec) | 440 Voice 434.00000MHz +0.0000MHz |
2020-07-31 09:47:22 | M0IPU | 51º37'29.3"N, 0º1'59.4"E (350+ km from here) | 2 | 430.950MHz T082 +760 R10m |
2020-07-31 09:44:43 | DB0LER | 1 | ||
2020-07-31 09:40:24 | DB0SAB | 49º36'8.9"N, 6º30'24.0"E (350+ km from here) | 36 (every 900.7 sec) | WX3in1Plus2.0 U.4V,T".9C |
2020-07-31 09:40:11 | PA3TA | 50º35'12.0"N, 5º33'28.7"E (200+ km from here) | 46 (every 826.5 sec) | `439.600MHz 73 de Tomek_% |
2020-07-31 09:34:51 | F8KCS | 49º50'6.6"N, 3º18'29.9"E (100+ km from here) | 46 (every 653.0 sec) | ***DIGI APRS ADRASEC de St Quentin*** |
2020-07-31 09:25:25 | M1BEY | 52º57'4.7"N, 1º13'56.9"W (500+ km from here!) | 2 | `145.500MHz m1bey_% |
2020-07-31 09:23:36 | DB0KX | 51º16'55.1"N, 6º20'51.6"E (200+ km from here) | 55 (every 525.1 sec) | APRS Digi DARC R02 VFDB Z59 |
2020-07-31 09:23:25 | DB0KWE | 50º50'16.1"N, 6º19'26.3"E (200+ km from here) | 1 | Kraftwerk Weisweiler ATV/Hamnet/APRS/Funkruf |
2020-07-31 09:21:51 | PI1KAN | 51º52'50.4"N, 5º50'31.1"E (200+ km from here) | 21 (every 198.8 sec) | YSF GATEWAY 144.950 TETRA RPT 430.925= |
2020-07-31 09:18:26 | DH3PAE | 50º32'28.2"N, 6º55'1.8"E (350+ km from here) | 4 | APRS DIGI EIFEL 360 ueNN |
2020-07-31 09:18:04 | DB0BOH | 51º50'35.4"N, 6º36'49.7"E (350+ km from here) | 13 | DB0BOH APRS fill-in Digi Westmuensterland 30.5C U.9V. |
2020-07-31 09:16:32 | PI1DHR | 52º56'12.5"N, 4º45'15.0"E (200+ km from here) | 75 (every 487.7 sec) | Mede mogelijk gemaakt door |
2020-07-31 09:15:41 | F5ZCE | 49º37'48.0"N, 4º37'6.5"E (200+ km from here) | 116 (every 291.2 sec) | KU2k |
2020-07-31 09:15:07 | PD5RT | 52º7'35.4"N, 6º12'31.7"E (200+ km from here) | 142 (every 257.8 sec) | RX iGate Zutphen |
2020-07-31 09:14:44 | F8BPU | 50º18'7.1"N, 3º3'53.9"E (100+ km from here) | 3 | / |
2020-07-31 09:12:47 | PA1JOS | 52º3'46.1"N, 4º20'46.7"E (100+ km from here) | 8 (every 449.8 sec) | voorburg |
2020-07-31 09:11:41 | M0NKR | 52º27'16.8"N, 0º37'4.7"E (200+ km from here) | 43 (every 810.6 sec) | 145.450MHz= |
2020-07-31 09:10:59 | MB7VH | 52º2'4.8"N, 0º31'5.4"W (350+ km from here) | 4 | WX3in1Mini U.7V. Central Bedfordshire |
2020-07-31 09:10:19 | M1CMN | 51º5'18.6"N, 1º10'45.0"E (200+ km from here) | 89 (every 32.7 sec) | `_% |
2020-07-31 09:09:18 | DB0DY | 52º9'19.8"N, 7º58'16.7"E (500+ km from here!) | 5 (every 355.0 sec) | >>OV-N11 LENGERICH<< |
2020-07-31 09:06:58 | DL6ZG | 51º1'29.3"N, 5º52'54.1"E (200+ km from here) | 12 | |
2020-07-31 09:05:25 | DG6WT | 51º59'44.9"N, 8º29'46.2"E (500+ km from here!) | 20 (every 718.4 sec) | >Wolfgang,:W31-600PS. |
2020-07-31 09:03:57 | F3CJ | 50º17'22.1"N, 2º55'0.9"E (100+ km from here) | 4 | digi entre Scarpe et Sens?e |
2020-07-31 08:59:57 | DB0NGU | 10 (every 13.8 sec) | | |
2020-07-31 08:58:32 | PI1DWC | 52º39'56.4"N, 5º12'48.5"E (200+ km from here) | 14 | WX3in1- Venhuizen Igate/Digipeater |
2020-07-31 08:57:17 | DB5YY | 51º35'35.9"N, 7º14'29.4"E (350+ km from here) | 21 | FILL-IN W1 |
2020-07-31 08:56:58 | PE2KDK | 52º13'11.9"N, 5º9'10.7"E (200+ km from here) | 1 | TX iGate Hilversum JO22nf |
2020-07-31 08:55:42 | DB0DRB | 49º57'56.4"N, 6º22'7.2"E (350+ km from here) | 3 | |
2020-07-31 08:55:09 | DO6JH | 51º35'35.9"N, 7º14'28.2"E (350+ km from here) | 2 | >RE-YY121 |
2020-07-31 08:49:28 | F4DYK | 48º53'12.0"N, 5º4'57.6"E (200+ km from here) | 3 | QRV sur 145.287.5 (ctcss 94.8 hz ENC/DEC) |
2020-07-31 08:48:03 | DC2EH | 51º30'53.3"N, 7º54'10.1"E (350+ km from here) | 11 | |
2020-07-31 08:47:59 | DB1EF | 51º56'21.0"N, 7º58'0.5"E (500+ km from here!) | 6 (every 980.3 sec) | 13.8V 23COnly Tracker. 73! |
2020-07-31 08:47:39 | MB7UTM | 52º41'6.6"N, 1º11'28.7"E (200+ km from here) | 5 (every 720.4 sec) | Covering NW Norwich Digi/Igate |
2020-07-31 08:46:22 | F6DDS | 49º13'11.3"N, 4º2'28.2"E (200+ km from here) | 16 | banlieue de Reims, via VHF + le web |
2020-07-31 08:45:37 | PA5JB | 52º10'2.9"N, 4º32'3.0"E (100+ km from here) | 2 | - |
2020-07-31 08:44:37 | F8BEC | 49º54'24.5"N, 3º38'39.0"E (100+ km from here) | 3 | 430.137MHz C067 +940 73 de Philippe= |
2020-07-31 08:44:01 | G8RZZ | 52º50'20.3"N, 1º26'58.1"E (200+ km from here) | 1 | 145.625MHz= |
2020-07-31 08:43:22 | DL7GT | 50º8'24.0"N, 6º20'52.1"E (200+ km from here) | 3 | |
2020-07-31 08:43:19 | DG3ACM | 51º9'11.4"N, 7º4'54.5"E (350+ km from here) | 1 | 438.550MHz(-) Call here!= |
2020-07-31 08:42:47 | PA8E | 52º13'1.1"N, 5º9'16.1"E (200+ km from here) | 1 | = |
2020-07-31 08:40:22 | DM2HB | 51º41'12.5"N, 8º18'22.7"E (500+ km from here!) | 3 | Hermann -> PLX Tracker Blue -> FT-8800 |
2020-07-31 08:37:04 | DB0NLH | 1 | ||
2020-07-31 08:31:53 | PI1ANH | 51º44'57.5"N, 5º54'34.8"E (200+ km from here) | 30 (every 834.7 sec) | 440 Voice 438.86250MHz +0.0000MHz |
2020-07-31 08:31:08 | G8OSN | 51º21'8.9"N, 0º34'37.8"E (200+ km from here) | 6 | G8OSN- Experimental IGate |
2020-07-31 08:27:51 | G0IQK | 51º51'24.0"N, 0º33'53.9"E (200+ km from here) | 8 | |
2020-07-31 08:27:47 | LX0APN | 49º56'39.0"N, 5º58'3.6"E (200+ km from here) | 2 | PLXDigi U.9V. |
2020-07-31 08:24:08 | ON7WP | 51º4'59.9"N, 4º43'59.9"E (100+ km from here) | 45 (every 653.5 sec) | |
2020-07-31 08:22:00 | M0NAS | 51º56'54.6"N, 0º36'40.7"E (200+ km from here) | 3 | Neil mobile |
2020-07-31 08:17:57 | PA3KLX | 52º22'9.5"N, 5º16'14.4"E (200+ km from here) | 13 | `Alex. Home QTH Almere-Stad. QRV@C4FM DX>600KM Pls send msg!_% |
2020-07-31 08:17:29 | DL8PQ | 51º13'39.4"N, 7º13'14.9"E (350+ km from here) | 27 (every 871.8 sec) | 13.5V 23C |
2020-07-31 08:15:19 | MB7URP | 52º32'39.0"N, 0º58'27.5"E (200+ km from here) | 6 | Covering SW Norfolk |
2020-07-31 08:11:24 | DC0EC | 51º10'50.4"N, 7º11'33.6"E (350+ km from here) | 1 | `_% |
2020-07-31 08:09:54 | MB7UJD | 52º48'55.8"N, 1º22'30.0"E (200+ km from here) | 8 | Reports/Comments to |
2020-07-31 08:04:18 | M0GQS | 51º26'16.1"N, 0º57'49.7"W (350+ km from here) | 2 | WX3in1Plus2.0 U.1V, T2.7C |
2020-07-31 08:00:05 | PD2RVZ | 52º7'26.4"N, 5º1'12.6"E (100+ km from here) | 4 | `145.462MHz Ronald - Info QRZ.com_% |
2020-07-31 07:59:37 | PE1FTV | 51º21'10.1"N, 5º23'5.9"E (200+ km from here) | 4 | IGate Riethoven |
2020-07-31 07:53:36 | PD1ODE | 51º58'33.5"N, 4º18'40.2"E (100+ km from here) | 11 (every 20.0 sec) | `_) |
2020-07-31 07:39:11 | DL1KDA | 50º37'30.0"N, 6º19'9.0"E (200+ km from here) | 1 | `438.475MHz C094 -760 Alex -DOK G18 - QTH: Schmidt/Nordeifel _% |
2020-07-31 07:35:05 | F6KFW | 49º37'38.9"N, 1º38'8.4"W (500+ km from here!) | 13 | Igate Nord-Cotentin |
2020-07-31 07:35:00 | ON3MR | 50º28'14.9"N, 4º10'43.2"E (100+ km from here) | 30 (every 97.4 sec) | `73 51 BOM DIA MARIO_# |
2020-07-31 07:32:24 | DB0ACC | 3 | DB0ACC Haltern am See | |
2020-07-31 07:21:22 | PD3T | 51º59'50.3"N, 4º23'21.0"E (100+ km from here) | 2 | 430.350MHz T088 +160 |
2020-07-31 07:19:25 | ON3DB | 51º19'58.1"N, 5º7'27.0"E (100+ km from here) | 7 (every 64.1 sec) | |
2020-07-31 07:14:56 | ON4BN | 51º0'22.2"N, 5º16'19.2"E (200+ km from here) | 7 (every 6.8 sec) | 73's from Belgium de ON4BN/M= |
2020-07-31 06:33:15 | ON2KDP | 50º0'3.5"N, 5º20'58.1"E (200+ km from here) | 8 | POLARIS LUX TX-IGate & Digi |
2020-07-31 06:32:15 | F5GSJ | 48º46'32.9"N, 2º40'55.1"E (200+ km from here) | 13 | = |
2020-07-31 06:22:26 | DM0RS | 51º17'28.7"N, 7º21'24.5"E (350+ km from here) | 5 | iGate at DG3ACM / Solingen / QRV DB0GWG / 438.550 MHz / 1750hz |
2020-07-31 06:18:20 | G6UQZ | 52º4'44.3"N, 0º34'54.0"E (200+ km from here) | 7 | at main station address |
2020-07-31 06:17:24 | MB7UKS | 52º27'28.7"N, 1º16'5.4"E (200+ km from here) | 9 | |
2020-07-31 06:10:33 | DO1ERS | 50º57'18.6"N, 6º36'16.8"E (200+ km from here) | 46 (every 76.3 sec) | Radioscout Rudi on tour |
2020-07-31 06:04:30 | LX0WX | 49º56'32.3"N, 6º9'1.8"E (200+ km from here) | 17 (every 927.2 sec) | JN39BW Alt:523m * |
2020-07-31 05:45:05 | LX1GG | 49º34'39.0"N, 6º9'38.9"E (350+ km from here) | 3 | >= |
2020-07-31 05:39:25 | DB0FDA | 49º52'2.9"N, 8º38'16.7"E (500+ km from here!) | 1 | APRS Rx I-Gateway DA 144.800MHz SySOP: DL1FX |
2020-07-31 05:36:35 | LX0APS | 49º32'34.1"N, 5º50'19.2"E (200+ km from here) | 12 | APRS Digi Rodange/Lux R L |
2020-07-31 05:27:46 | DB0EIF | 50º16'16.2"N, 6º49'15.5"E (350+ km from here) | 1 | APRS, DMR 438.5 MHz, Funkruf |
2020-07-31 05:27:12 | PD1CC | 51º52'27.0"N, 4º4'4.1"E | 2 | >GREETINGS.PD1CC |
2020-07-31 05:24:05 | ON7KEI | 50º57'52.8"N, 5º5'4.2"E (100+ km from here) | 9 (every 166.7 sec) | 73's ON7KEI/M= |
2020-07-31 05:18:46 | F8KRH | 48º37'43.2"N, 2º26'3.5"E (200+ km from here) | 6 | `Adrasec 91 / Prefecture de l'Essonne_% |
2020-07-31 05:10:59 | F4GBZ | 48º57'53.3"N, 0º55'54.5"E (350+ km from here) | 4 | -WX3in1Plus2.0 U.6V,T'.6C |
2020-07-31 05:08:34 | PE1MIK | 51º0'15.0"N, 5º46'17.3"E (200+ km from here) | 18 (every 879.3 sec) | `X1C2 3.2V S07 144.800 MHz |
2020-07-31 05:04:51 | F1HKX | 48º33'10.1"N, 2º57'10.7"E (200+ km from here) | 1 | WX sur FONTENAILLES 77370 |
2020-07-31 04:37:11 | ON0LN | 51º4'59.4"N, 5º34'36.0"E (200+ km from here) | 8 | Xastir Linux-Igate Gruitrode |
2020-07-31 04:32:00 | F4FZV | 49º4'5.4"N, 2º25'19.2"E (200+ km from here) | 3 | DIGIPEATER ADRASEC 95 ROISSY 13.8V |
2020-07-31 04:10:28 | G0WYG | 51º25'39.0"N, 0º0'41.3"E (350+ km from here) | 2 | , Echolink, Wires-X, CQ100, 2m,4m,6m,70cm |
2020-07-31 04:08:02 | F6KBS | 6 (every 960.6 sec) | ||
2020-07-31 03:48:39 | LX0APR | 49º42'39.5"N, 6º9'55.7"E (200+ km from here) | 2 | APRS Digi Blaschette/Lux R.L. |
2020-07-31 03:28:10 | ON0ANW | 51º13'1.8"N, 4º25'10.2"E (100+ km from here) | 1 | WX3in1Plus2.0 U.2V,T=??.?C/??.?F |
2020-07-31 03:19:47 | MB7UVC | 52º18'44.3"N, 1º26'7.1"E (200+ km from here) | 1 | = |
2020-07-31 03:12:53 | G4RS | 5 | Blandford Garrison | |
2020-07-31 02:23:04 | F8KGK | 49º27'23.3"N, 1º7'3.6"E (200+ km from here) | 5 | DigiNed Linux - |
2020-07-31 02:05:49 | MB7UJ | 1 | ||
2020-07-31 02:00:27 | DB0UEP | 50º55'49.1"N, 6º4'32.9"E (200+ km from here) | 2 | Echolink-ReLay Uebach-Palenberg Node:951011 |
2020-07-31 01:55:11 | DB0ROD | 1 | ||
2020-07-31 01:40:52 | DB0IDS | 1 | FM Relais 438,775MHz | |
2020-07-31 01:31:16 | DB0FUL | 50º36'14.3"N, 9º40'36.5"E (500+ km from here!) | 1 | APRS-DIGI Fulda 490mNN |
2020-07-31 01:04:23 | MB7UNN | 52º56'26.4"N, 1º12'31.7"E (200+ km from here) | 3 | (North Norfolk APRS Network Sheringham) 2 |
2020-07-31 00:59:21 | ON3DMT | 51º0'33.5"N, 4º37'58.1"E (100+ km from here) | 4 | `On the move_0 |
2020-07-31 00:51:20 | G6SYW | 52º15'10.8"N, 1º4'32.4"E (200+ km from here) | 1 | (APRS DIGI Suffolk Data Group) 3 |
2020-07-31 00:31:25 | LX0KA | 49º29'43.1"N, 6º2'8.9"E (200+ km from here) | 1 | APRS digi Kayl U.3V |
2020-07-31 00:16:09 | PA3HEV | 51º47'19.7"N, 4º33'16.1"E (100+ km from here) | 3 | QRV |
2020-07-31 00:10:15 | PD9PB | 51º22'19.1"N, 5º13'9.0"E (100+ km from here) | 50 (every 82.8 sec) | 432.500MHzHave a good one! 73!= |
2020-07-31 00:03:29 | MB7UTG | 52º44'10.3"N, 0º7'50.5"E (350+ km from here) | 1 | iGate for the fens |
2020-07-30 23:54:01 | ON4CAB | 51º20'13.2"N, 3º14'2.3"E | 14 (every 214.6 sec) | HF STATION ON4CAB |
System uptime: 50 days, 12 hours, 59 minutes